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Lost & Found Lists

The AFAITC alumni reunion group welcomes all those associated with AFAITC and JSPI. For those who have contacted us, we maintain a database of those who are "Found". The Found list forms the basis for notifications about future reunions. No commercial use is made of the list. If you are on the Found list, please be sure we have your correct street and email address, by using the Feedback link at the left.

In addition, we maintain the "Lost" list of associates. These are colleagues who have fallen off the radar and for which we have no contact information. If you know of someone who is on the Lost list, please encourage them to contact us through the Feedback link at the left.

We also maintain a graphical timeline of who served at Lowry AFB and when. A link to the timeline is located at the left. If you don't see your name on the timeline, please use the Feedback link at the left to submit your tour dates at Lowry. We'll update the timeline periodically.

Click on the icon or word below to see the Found and Lost list.


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